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Understanding Your Cat’s Purr

If you are a cat owner, then by now you must be conversant with everyday cat sounds such as meowing, hissing or even purring. However, most of the time, we tend to overlook purring as a way of communication. A cat purr is a vibration released by your feline during inhaling and exhaling and it occurs between the diaphragm and the larynx. So what exactly is your cat trying to tell you with a purr?


When your cat is fully contented with their surroundings, they are most likely to purr. Situations such as getting cuddled by someone they like, being in the company of other cats, sunbathing or even taking that long-awaited meal, can trigger them into purring.


According to research, purring helps cats release endorphins that quicken their healing process. Therefore, if your cat is not feeling well or is severely hurt, then they are likely to purr as their body’s natural response to fighting pain. Expect this to happen at the end of your feline’s life as well.


Sometimes when you are into your busy schedule, you might hear your feline purr. This is to let you know that they need your attention. Maybe they are tired, need to rest or craving for their favorite food. Cats have always love soliciting attention, and so that should not come as a surprise.


As much as cats like behaving as superheroes most of the time, there are times when they get afraid. During this time, they purr in search of your assurance. We witness this most of the time at our veterinary hospitals.

Light Exercises.

Just like humans, there are times when your feline gets too lazy for strong movements. During those times, you might notice them like lying down on their favorite spot without much activity. However, do not be entirely deceived by that because purr vibrations stimulate your cat’s muscles and bones just like a regular walk. So the next time you see then idle, leave them alone.

Mother-kitten Connection

The moment kittens are born, the first sound they get familiar with is the purr of their mother. At that moment, that sound acts as an assurance of their safety. Since newborn kittens cannot see, that’s the primary form of communication between them and their mothers. With time, when they learn to purr (when about two years old), they use the sound to let their mother know when satisfied during nursing or when they are hungry or in need of a body rub.
Sources: Catster, Wired
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